Robin Hood 702 Talks About Himself (Surprise!) in the San Diego Union Tribune

Click on image to go the the full story.

We think this quote from an article published about RJ Cipriani – aka Robin Hood 702 – speaks volumes about ol’ “Robin Hood’s” character:

“Gambling has allowed me to have a life, of suites, limos picking me up. It’s made me feel like a big shot. That life is very alluring, intriguing and seductive,” he said. “What people don’t realize is it’s a fake life. It’s pretend. It’s not real.”

That’s a quote in a San Diego Union Tribune story about Robert “RJ” Cipriani, also known as Robin Hood 702. He’s got it exactly right. Not only is this an indictment and definition of that lifestyle, it’s an indictment of him.

“Fake.” “Pretend.” “Not real.” You said it, RJ Cipriani.

This whole Robin Hood 702 charade that you carry around and pretend to embrace is ridiculous, in our opinion. It’s a sham, a con, a scam, in our opinion. Not only that, but it’s decidedly juvenile.

Where are your green tights, bow and arrow? Come on, lean into the charade, Robin Hood. What a joke.

Robin Hood 702 Dropping Names

The Vanity Fair Tiger Woods expose (click image or here to go to the story).

In an effort to inflate his importance, in our opinion, RJ Cipriani seems to like going around and dropping names — names like Tiger Woods & Michael Jordan, two of the biggest names from the modern sports world.

We’ve noticed a habit of Robin Hood 702’s: all his stories are unverifiable. All come from a single source — his own mouth.

Just like he’s said before, he does his Robin Hood 702 thing (stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, presumably) and the only person on record as talking about that (that we can find) is 702 himself. Interesting.

Here’s a paragraph including a quote from Robin Hood 702 from a Vanity Fair magazine piece on Tiger Woods and his supposed many flings with women:

“[Tiger] Woods’s preferred place to stay in Las Vegas was the Mansion at the MGM Grand, where a one-bedroom suite costs $5,000 per night. He would gamble in the ultra-exclusive V.I.P. casino nearby. According to a source known as Robin Hood 702, ‘sometimes the only people in the place were me, Tiger Woods, and Michael Jordan. Each of us sat at our own private table and played big. Tiger plays big. Up to 30 grand a hand . . . and when you’re playing splits and doubles, you can have 150 grand on one hand.’”

(Our bold italics)

You sure can spin stories, 702. All seemingly coming from your ver fertile imagination in our opinion.

How many of these stories are true? Oh, right — only you can verify the veracity of these stories. Funny how that works.

RJ Cipriani — A Man of Many Names

Yep, there’s RJ Cipriani, on the right, half hiding behind a piling underneath a pier (Google search results).

Who is RJ Cipriani? Is he:

  • Robin Hood 702?
  • Robinhood 702?
  • Robert J. Cipriani?
  • Robert “RJ” Cipriani?
  • Robert Cipriani?

He’s used all of these names, or has been referred to by these names.

Why does a grown man use so many names to identify himself?

Simple answer: he’s trying to hide derogatory information about himself (in our opinion). And we know he’s got some to hide.

Sure, he may be hiding in plain site, but all these names are an attempt, in our opinion, to hide, confuse, and create a fog of information that surround his true identity and veil him from the scrutiny of others.

It’s a simple but effective technique used by many fraudsters to cloak who they are and what they’re doing and what they’re hiding. Add the person who connects to those half-dozen names shown above to the list of cheats, swindlers, scammers, sharks, dodgers, phonies and con men who employ that strategy. That’s our opinion, and we’re sticking to it.

Why all the names, RJ? And why the ball cap and dark aviator sunglasses you wear so often in public? What are you hiding? Why such deceptive behavior? Just Google his name — whichever one you want to. We went with “RJ Cipriani.” When the search returns come up, hit the “Images” tab. You’ll see a number of his hand-out photos, which he likes to spread everywhere, that show him in a black ball cap with dark aviator sunglasses half hiding behind a piling underneath a pier.

We’re about to let the public know exactly who you are: a lowlife dirtbag in our opinion, who will do whatever it takes to hide your true self and take down anyone who stands in the way of you getting what you want.

RJ Cipriani aka Robin Hood 702: By His Glossed-Over Admissions, He Controls the Narrative

Robin Hood 702: What? Me worry? Just slip slidin’ away …

RJ Cipriani, just because you admit to wrongdoing doesn’t absolve you of that wrongdoing.

We all can see through that. We all know it’s just 702 trying to control the narrative.

But we’re going to dig into 702’s narrative (we’re nicknaming him simply “702”) and try to unearth the truth (or, really, lack thereof).

We’re going to change 702’s narrative and try to give you the straight scoop.

A short list of his criminal records:

  • Forgery
  • Possessing instruments of crime
  • Theft by deception
  • Attempted theft by deception
  • Insurance fraud – conspiracy
  • Corporal injury on spouse / cohabitant
  • Illegal sale of a condo

Nice, right? RJ Cipriani goes parading around like he’s a modern-day Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor, yet hiding the details of all these criminal charges by glossing over them, simply by admitting that he’s done some wrong in the past.

We’re going to dive into these charges one by one. Stay tuned for more.

RJ Cipriani — aka Robin Hood 702 — Tell Us, What is Corporal Injury?

In criminal law, the term corporal injury refers to any physical injury that causes a traumatic condition. This typically means a visible or verifiable injury, whether slight or severe. The existence of a corporal injury can be an element of a violent crime such as assault or battery — a physical attack by one person against another.

In California, particularly, the infliction of bodily injury elevates the crime to the level of domestic violence crimes.

Why are we asking Robin Hood 702 that question? What is corporal injury? Because on June 14, 2005, Robert J. Cipriani, otherwise known as RJ Cipriani and Robin Hood 702, was arrested by the Santa Monica, Calif. police and charged with corporal injury on a spouse/cohabitant (California Penal Code 273.5).

The code states that,

“Any person who willfully inflicts corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon a victim described in subdivision (b) is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of up to six thousand dollars ($6,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.”

At the time of his arrest, RJ Cipriani’s bail was set at $50,000.

Think about it: How many people in your life do you know have been arrested for this kind of violent crime? We’re betting most people reading this will answer, “zero.” As it should be answered.

We’ll bring you the details of the crime as recorded by the Santa Monica PD in a future post. In the meantime, just reflect on the kind of character a man exhibits who would engage in this kind of conduct. A pretty low bar in our opinion.

RJ Cipriani’s Bankruptcies — also known as Robin Hood 702

RJ Cipriani bankruptcy No. 1 – some information redacted to protect privacy

RJ Cipriani, otherwise known as Robin Hood 702 — our “bi-costal bankruptcy baby” – doesn’t seem to care much about stiffing people. Note these two bankruptcies – one in Philadelphia, one in California – a decade or so apart. (See image above and at bottom of post.)

We guess Robin Hood 702 is an equal opportunity debtor. The list of the creditors he still owed money to ran a mile long — banks, jewelers, credit card companies, financial agencies, casinos, mom & pop stores. You name it, they were on that list.

Unbelievable. Who does this guy think he is?

RJ Cipriani bankruptcy No. 2 – some information redacted to protect privacy

RJ Cipriani, Robin Hood 702 — Heeee’s baaaack


RJ Cipriani / Photo: San Diego Tribune

Heeee’s baaaack: The disgraced RJ Cipriani, who also goes by Robin Hood 702 (which in itself is disgraceful) is up to his shenanigans again.

Robin Hood 702 loves to hide in the shadows, as you can tell from his trademark dark ball cap and aviator sunglasses.

We have in on insider gaming info that RJ — alternately known as Robert, Robert J, Robin Hood 702, among several others — is regarded as one of the most disliked individuals in Las Vegas, known for his allegedly deceptive practices in casinos and allegedly for manipulating others for personal gain (both of which 702 himself has admitted). There are countless stories we’ve come across that lay out how he has extorted and manipulated many high-profile individuals (such as big Hollywood elites and other high rollers), to benefit himself financially. We’ll post and link to some of those separately.

Almost everyone in the casino industry, and outside of it as well, knows exactly how he operates. A very select few, like Vital Vegas, John L. Smith, and Dana Gentry, NAIVELY believe almost everything that comes out of his mouth. Rumor has it he is paying them to post outright lies for him.

Robert Cipriani employs what we would identify as aggressive tactics, especially on social media, attempting to bully and coerce others into providing him information. He goes to great lengths, even resorting to alleged deceptive and misleading phone calls using FABRICATED information, to provoke anger from those he calls in hopes of receiving what he sees as inside information.

He allegedly plays one person against another — alleging lies to one person, to get “information” from another individual. He pits people who were seemingly friends, against each other. This is scarily second nature to him. We see him as thoroughly morally bankrupt, even tho he purports to use his gambling profits to then re-distribute to the needy. Supposedly. But those are relatively meager distributions that we’ve seen, sometimes paid out in chips from his winnings, sometimes with others who also have anted up modest amounts.

We are hearing he calls and harasses people on a daily basis looking for information – all under false pretense. He posts pictures of individuals and fake headlines all in an attempt to intimidate them. Nearly everything he posts are allegations manufactured from his twisted brain. With reckless abandon he maliciously posts information targeted at specific individuals and tries to impact careers, destroy reputations and negatively impact lives.  Many of these individuals have dedicated decades to building flawless records and have earned well-deserved respect amongst peers and colleagues.

Robert, on the other hand, has spent most of his life in the opposite way.

He brags that he helped bust a huge drug cartel; however, we hear that is only because he lost their money, which he allegedly was trying to launder, and that they were going to have him … taken care of … as those kinds of nefarious organizations sometimes do. So he flipped on the cartel. I guess we’ll see how that will ultimately play out.

He won’t tell you that, though.  He lives to get reactions and create fake news.

It’s our opinion that he’s as remarkably unstable as he is widely recognized as a shameless inventor of mis-truths.

We also are hearing that he is a deeply troubled individual who seldom ventures beyond the confines of his own home due to fear. That’s probably well founded. Many view him as the epitome of evil, a complete contradiction to what the mythical Robin Hood of yore, as written in many children’s story books, stands for.  His criminal record, from what we have seen, is extensive, encompassing numerous felonies, placing him in a category resembling that of a serial offender. You’ll see plenty of that documented throughout this site.

One can only imagine the disappointment his mother must feel regarding the path he’s taken in society, where he’s perceived as both despicable and untrustworthy by nearly everyone who knows him.

There is a reason he is not allowed in pretty much every casino in the country.

In closing, we are hearing that Robert was bullied as a child and not accepted by his peers. It now looks as if he’s trying to make up for that as an adult, posing as a big shot, although, with nothing of true value going on in his life.  We can only be thankful that he didn’t procreate (at least from what we’ve found, anyway).

RJ Cipriani, aka, Robin Hood 702, we hear that karma is real, and one day you will meet your maker and instead, the devil will be waiting for you.