RJ Cipriani — A Man of Many Names

Yep, there’s RJ Cipriani, on the right, half hiding behind a piling underneath a pier (Google search results).

Who is RJ Cipriani? Is he:

  • Robin Hood 702?
  • Robinhood 702?
  • Robert J. Cipriani?
  • Robert “RJ” Cipriani?
  • Robert Cipriani?

He’s used all of these names, or has been referred to by these names.

Why does a grown man use so many names to identify himself?

Simple answer: he’s trying to hide derogatory information about himself (in our opinion). And we know he’s got some to hide.

Sure, he may be hiding in plain site, but all these names are an attempt, in our opinion, to hide, confuse, and create a fog of information that surround his true identity and veil him from the scrutiny of others.

It’s a simple but effective technique used by many fraudsters to cloak who they are and what they’re doing and what they’re hiding. Add the person who connects to those half-dozen names shown above to the list of cheats, swindlers, scammers, sharks, dodgers, phonies and con men who employ that strategy. That’s our opinion, and we’re sticking to it.

Why all the names, RJ? And why the ball cap and dark aviator sunglasses you wear so often in public? What are you hiding? Why such deceptive behavior? Just Google his name — whichever one you want to. We went with “RJ Cipriani.” When the search returns come up, hit the “Images” tab. You’ll see a number of his hand-out photos, which he likes to spread everywhere, that show him in a black ball cap with dark aviator sunglasses half hiding behind a piling underneath a pier.

We’re about to let the public know exactly who you are: a lowlife dirtbag in our opinion, who will do whatever it takes to hide your true self and take down anyone who stands in the way of you getting what you want.

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