Tag Archives: RJ Cipriani

RJ Cipriani’s Bankruptcies — also known as Robin Hood 702

RJ Cipriani bankruptcy No. 1 – some information redacted to protect privacy

RJ Cipriani, otherwise known as Robin Hood 702 — our “bi-costal bankruptcy baby” – doesn’t seem to care much about stiffing people. Note these two bankruptcies – one in Philadelphia, one in California – a decade or so apart. (See image above and at bottom of post.)

We guess Robin Hood 702 is an equal opportunity debtor. The list of the creditors he still owed money to ran a mile long — banks, jewelers, credit card companies, financial agencies, casinos, mom & pop stores. You name it, they were on that list.

Unbelievable. Who does this guy think he is?

RJ Cipriani bankruptcy No. 2 – some information redacted to protect privacy

RJ Cipriani, Robin Hood 702 — Heeee’s baaaack


RJ Cipriani / Photo: San Diego Tribune

Heeee’s baaaack: The disgraced RJ Cipriani, who also goes by Robin Hood 702 (which in itself is disgraceful) is up to his shenanigans again.

Robin Hood 702 loves to hide in the shadows, as you can tell from his trademark dark ball cap and aviator sunglasses.

We have in on insider gaming info that RJ — alternately known as Robert, Robert J, Robin Hood 702, among several others — is regarded as one of the most disliked individuals in Las Vegas, known for his allegedly deceptive practices in casinos and allegedly for manipulating others for personal gain (both of which 702 himself has admitted). There are countless stories we’ve come across that lay out how he has extorted and manipulated many high-profile individuals (such as big Hollywood elites and other high rollers), to benefit himself financially. We’ll post and link to some of those separately.

Almost everyone in the casino industry, and outside of it as well, knows exactly how he operates. A very select few, like Vital Vegas, John L. Smith, and Dana Gentry, NAIVELY believe almost everything that comes out of his mouth. Rumor has it he is paying them to post outright lies for him.

Robert Cipriani employs what we would identify as aggressive tactics, especially on social media, attempting to bully and coerce others into providing him information. He goes to great lengths, even resorting to alleged deceptive and misleading phone calls using FABRICATED information, to provoke anger from those he calls in hopes of receiving what he sees as inside information.

He allegedly plays one person against another — alleging lies to one person, to get “information” from another individual. He pits people who were seemingly friends, against each other. This is scarily second nature to him. We see him as thoroughly morally bankrupt, even tho he purports to use his gambling profits to then re-distribute to the needy. Supposedly. But those are relatively meager distributions that we’ve seen, sometimes paid out in chips from his winnings, sometimes with others who also have anted up modest amounts.

We are hearing he calls and harasses people on a daily basis looking for information – all under false pretense. He posts pictures of individuals and fake headlines all in an attempt to intimidate them. Nearly everything he posts are allegations manufactured from his twisted brain. With reckless abandon he maliciously posts information targeted at specific individuals and tries to impact careers, destroy reputations and negatively impact lives.  Many of these individuals have dedicated decades to building flawless records and have earned well-deserved respect amongst peers and colleagues.

Robert, on the other hand, has spent most of his life in the opposite way.

He brags that he helped bust a huge drug cartel; however, we hear that is only because he lost their money, which he allegedly was trying to launder, and that they were going to have him … taken care of … as those kinds of nefarious organizations sometimes do. So he flipped on the cartel. I guess we’ll see how that will ultimately play out.

He won’t tell you that, though.  He lives to get reactions and create fake news.

It’s our opinion that he’s as remarkably unstable as he is widely recognized as a shameless inventor of mis-truths.

We also are hearing that he is a deeply troubled individual who seldom ventures beyond the confines of his own home due to fear. That’s probably well founded. Many view him as the epitome of evil, a complete contradiction to what the mythical Robin Hood of yore, as written in many children’s story books, stands for.  His criminal record, from what we have seen, is extensive, encompassing numerous felonies, placing him in a category resembling that of a serial offender. You’ll see plenty of that documented throughout this site.

One can only imagine the disappointment his mother must feel regarding the path he’s taken in society, where he’s perceived as both despicable and untrustworthy by nearly everyone who knows him.

There is a reason he is not allowed in pretty much every casino in the country.

In closing, we are hearing that Robert was bullied as a child and not accepted by his peers. It now looks as if he’s trying to make up for that as an adult, posing as a big shot, although, with nothing of true value going on in his life.  We can only be thankful that he didn’t procreate (at least from what we’ve found, anyway).

RJ Cipriani, aka, Robin Hood 702, we hear that karma is real, and one day you will meet your maker and instead, the devil will be waiting for you.